Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hate wood so much

When my brother-in-law gave me some wood for handle material, he also gave me a draw knife to sharpen for him- and then requested that I also make him some handles. That's kept me busy for most of the day. I didn't make handles out of Ironwood, though. Too tough xfd

So, anyway. I finally have the profile of the knife handles aaalmost ready. I just need to grind off a little bit more, and they're good. I used double sided tape to secure both handle halves to each other to ensure an even grind on both handles. Here's some pictures from the knife handle:
I should note that I retraced an outline of the knife handle onto the wood in a place where it wouldn't have too much glue in tact. once it was cut out properly, I pried the two scales apart and taped them together with double sided tape. I took it to the belt grinder (which for some reason worked much better this time,) and ground it down some more.

This is very near the final result. Just a bit more grinding and then I'll epoxy it onto the knife. :O